
AmCham Event

AmCham The Netherlands

We work on ensuring a sustainable business climate in the Netherlands and help businesses grow through networking & knowledge-sharing, advocacy, and a young professionals program.

Our Mission

Advocacy, Network, Young Professionals

The American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands (AmCham) is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political, voluntary organization of companies and individuals who invest in and trade between the United States of America and the Netherlands.


Become a Member

The benefits of joining AmCham The Netherlands are numerous! Join our community of over 350 companies from various sectors in the Netherlands and gain access to an advocacy forum, exclusive events, and a cross-company young professionals program.

Thrive in the Netherlands, with the Netherlands


American companies contribute a great deal to the Netherlands, generating more than 240.000 jobs and making up more than 20% of the total foreign owned firms in the country. Through ThriveNL, gain insight into these companies' operations in the Netherlands and their role in contributing to a thriving Dutch economy and society.

We Are Grateful to Our Sponsors