About AmCham The Netherlands

Since 1961, the American Chamber of Commerce in The Netherlands (AmCham The Netherlands) has been a spokesperson for U.S. businesses in the Netherlands. We believe that two-way trade and investment between the Netherlands and the United States is essential for creating mutual economic welfare. 

As a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political, and voluntary organization of companies and individuals, AmCham promotes the interests of our Members in matters concerning the investment climate and transatlantic trade.

AmCham in Numbers
Strong Economic Ties

The relationship between the two countries is a two-way streetThe Netherlands is a key destination for U.S. direct investments in Europe, and the U.S. contributes significantly to research and development in the Netherlands. Simultaneously, Dutch companies are a major investor in the U.S., creating job opportunities for hundreds of thousands of American citizens. Together with its Members, AmCham works to maintain this strong relationship. 

Facts & Figures
Dutch and American Flags