Digital Committee

Established in November 2023, the AmCham Digital Committee brings together a group of member organizations with technology-driven interests and commits to create vision, direction and perspective in a rapidly evolving tech landscape to support and improve the competitive position of these members.

The Committee does this by focusing on the following:

  • Signaling bottlenecks on key technological topics and legislation that impact the investment climate in the Netherlands​;
  • Convene members on latest relevant technological developments in different industries​;
  • Sharing of best practices and knowledge​;
  • Focus on how technology can support ESG topics and AmCham’s priority points.;
  • Supporting AmCham’s dialogue with the Dutch government, employer organizations, legislators and other important stakeholders with the vision formed by committee member organizations.


Committee Members

Mr. Colin Bortner (Chair)
Senior Advisor, BerlinRosen
Ms. Annemarie Costeris
Government Affairs Director, Microsoft
Mr. Arjan El Fassed
Head of Public Policy and Government Relations Amsterdam, Google
Mr. Mark Esseboom
Governmental Programs Executive, IBM
Ms. Elza Ganeeva
Head of Government Relations, Nordics and Eurasia, Zoom
Mr. Edo Haveman
Head of Public Policy Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg, Meta
Mr. Rens Hogeling
Senior Manager Government Affairs, Salesforce
Mr. Daniel Lumkeman
Solution Architect, Qlik
Ms. Jasmijn Touw
Director, Public Policy Benelux, Netflix
Mr. Robert Wassenaar
International Public Policy Lead Netherlands, Amazon