During a festive event on December 1, the AmCham Young Professionals Award 2017 was presented by U.S. Consul General David R. McCawley to team Innovation in Motion: Carlos Marquez Arroyo, Gorkem Demirtasoglu and Martijn Eradus of Heineken. Team Innovation in Motion already impressed the jury in the first round with an inspiring video and a twofold, appealing solution: a proposal for 3D printed modular houses from waste materials that could be deployed in disaster areas. Carlos, Gorkem and Martijn did not solve one but two problems this world is concerned about and did so in a very professional way. The decision of the Jury was therefore unanimous to award the AmCham Young Professionals Award 2017 and return tickets to a destination of choice in the United States offered by United Airlines to all members of this team. Congratulations!
Based on the 4 criteria (feasibility, originality, impact and quality of the pitch), the Jury awarded the second prize to Nora Lindt (Deloitte), Chris ten Dam (IBM) and Robert Vrees (IBM) of team Waste for Life and the third prize to Mary Ann Sona (Philips), Paul Brettschneider (DAF) and Alexander Marcial Martinez (Office Depot) of team Café Racer Electric.
Other finalists were:
Team HEPPi: Anna Trisia Beby, Laura Burgers, Leo Casteel, Linda Labberton (Pfizer)
Team GroundCloud: Gideon van der Stelt, Ely Cilingir, Gijs Coenraads, Sushma Mohan (Stantec)
Team Bammer: Madelon van Huizen, Niels Bijkerk, Danny Aarts, Maxime Schoonman (DPA Professionals)
AmCham thanks its Partners and all Members of the Jury for their contribution to this event and all participating teams for the hard work they have done. It has been worthwhile to see how ambitious and successful young people have invested in this challenge.