The Finalists of the AmCham Young Professionals Award 2023, a team challenge on Megatrends, have been selected!
All teams were asked to come up with an innovative and impactful solution that their company can deliver to solve a sustainability challenge related to the Megatrends. Twenty-two teams handed in a proposal. The Jury has selected seven teams to proceed to the next round. The Jury was inspired by the energy and enthusiasm of the participating teams and sees great potential for impact in many of the proposals. AmCham commends all Young Professionals who have taken up the challenge on their excellent work!
After careful deliberation, the Jury has selected the following teams to continue in the competition:
Team Yellow Gold (ExxonMobil)
Giovanni Cortellessa, Leendert Sandifort, Ramona van Marion, Silvia Nieddu
Team EcoGo (FedEx)
Jeanne Frints, Ciara Gaughan, Maud Koedijk, Anina Visser
Team Google (Google)
Marjam Bahari, Lisa de Wachter, Erik van de Calseijde, Diederik de Sonnaville
Team Lion Energy (ING)
Luba de Haas - Nakropina, Jasper de Jager, Dewi Meekes, Huimang Ku
Team J&J (Johnson & Johnson)
Abidin Aliev, Arzu Cankaya, Ditte Habraken
Team Container Champions for Change (Maersk)
Ceylan Caner, Coralie Charpentier, Robert Nieuwenhuis, Valerie van Nieuwenhuyzen
Deepak Birdja, Anastasia Churilova, Maria Gomez
AmCham congratulates all Finalists on their selection!