Priority Points 2024: Long Term, Pragmatic and Constructive: Recommendations to Build a Sophisticated Economy

Published: June 6, 2024

The Priority Points and the Investment Climate Study are at the basis of AmCham's advocacy work and will guide AmCham's dialogue with the Dutch Government in the months ahead. The Priority Points contain AmCham's key recommendations to the Dutch Governement for a strong and healthy investment climate in the Netherlands and are composed in close collaboration with AmCham's Board, Committees and member companies. The Annual Investment Climate Study by Bain & Company provides a fact-driven foundation for the Priority Points.


Investors’ Agenda of Priority Points 2024 - Long Term, Pragmatic and Constructive: Recommendations to Build a Sophisticated Economy


The Priority Points contain AmCham's key recommendations to the Dutch Governement for a strong and healthy investment climate in the Netherlands and are composed in close collaboration with AmCham's Board, Committees and member companies. This year's edition recognizes that the Netherlands has been punching above its weight for decades but our leading position is under pressure. With a changing government, AmCham sees an opportunity yet also an urgent need to focus our attention on what is needed to build a strong and sophisticated economy that is future proof.

What policy choices are fundamental for the long term welfare in the Netherlands, and how do we make these choices stick and acceptable for everyone? AmCham is always ready to play a positive role in this process and help the Netherlands excel as a ‘sophisticated economy’ with innovation as a driving force and sustainability as a guiding principle. Such an economy includes: a robust digital technology sector, which works as a catalyst for other sectors as well, and a strong basic and manufacturing industry, that provides both primary and advanced components as well as highly technological solutions. Openness and an appetite for innovation have always been vital characteristics of the Dutch economy, and should remain our strength in the future as well. Key conditions for future growth are reliable and predictable policies, abundant and affordable (low carbon) energy, unrestricted access to a diverse and global talent pool, and high quality education.

In AmCham’s vision a future Dutch economy will be focused on the long term, based on pragmatic choices and with constructive intent.

Download a one page summary of the Priority Points:
In English
In Dutch


Investment Climate Study 2024


The Annual Investment Climate Study by Bain & Company provides a fact-driven foundation for the Priority Points. Each year, Bain & Company collaborates closely with AmCham on this flagship report. 

The Netherlands is a highly successful country by all measures – currently ranking 5th on IMD’s World Competitiveness Rankings and considered the world’s most globalized nation. However, this leadership is under pressure due to both external and internal challenges – what made the Netherlands successful in the past will not necessarily suffice in the future. The consequences of previously unresolved challenges are already palpable, with clear signs of decreased attractiveness to foreign investors. In a world increasingly dominated by rapidly advancing technology, technological differentiation is critical and should be pursued from two different perspectives: (i) breadth – deploying transformative technologies such as AI will unlock significant productivity growth across sectors, and (ii) depth – building deep, strong positions in priority technologies as “standalone” sectors is paramount for securing earning capacity and strategic autonomy.

Some insights: 

  • 16 electrical engineers and specialized nurses are demanded in the market for each person seeking employment within this occupation
  • Up to ~50% estimated GenAI productivity impact across occupational categories
  • 6x mismatch between “organic” supply of graduates and talent demand in specialized shortage occupations
  • ~8% of the workforce nearing retirement, requiring creativity and innovation in country and business talent strategy
  • Endless potential to turn challenges into opportunities, but with a need to embrace change, heavily invest, and proactively drive transformation

Capturing the full benefits of and winning in key technologies is challenging and highly competitive, and will require unwavering pragmatism and a focus on talent as a key enabler. As the talent shortage is increasing, a clear focus on strategic opportunities, addressing root causes and technological leadership with a focus on talent is the pathway for a future-proof and resilient economy:

‘Choose’: Building a future-proof and resilient economy requires first understanding where the Netherlands wants to be and then developing a clear and actionable plan for how to get there, with a focus on four key steps: envision, focus, commit, and cluster. 

‘Unlock’: We need to act holistically and creatively, pulling the four levers of attracting, developing, retaining and championing talent simultaneously – with decisiveness and urgency. 

Download English version - '2024 Investors' Agenda of Priority Points & Investment Climate Study'

Download Dutch version - 'Investeerdersagenda 2024 & Studie Investeringsklimaat'

Download Detailed Results Investment Climate Study 2024 (slide deck)